
To ensure that you always receive comprehensive BKK Pfalz health insurance coverage, it is important that you pay the correct contribution. As an employee, both you and your employer pay towards the insurance premium. For part-time employees, it is only the employer who pays the lump-sum contribution.

The contribution premiums at a glance:

Health insurance

Contribution rate for members with an entitlement to continued payment of salary / wages when unable to work. The maximum contribution for 2024 is calculated by the contribution assessment limit of €5,175. The employer's contribution amounts to 8.49%.


Contribution rate for members with no entitlement to sick pay. The maximum contribution for 2024 is calculated by the contribution assessment limit of €5,175.


Pensions — such as work pensions or lump-sum payments


Contribution for students
(plus long-term care insurance with children: €27.61; without children: €32.48)


Standard contribution rate for part-time employees


Long-term care insurance

Long-term care insurance with children: The maximum contribution for 2024 is calculated according to the contribution assessment limit of €5,175 and amounts to: €175.95.


Long-term care insurance without children: The maximum contribution for 2024 is calculated according to the contribution assessment limit of €5,175 and amounts to: €207.


Long-term care insurance surcharge for those without children: In general, this surcharge is only paid by the insured member.


Long-term care insurance including aid allowances with children: Entitlement to aid dependent on civil-service statutory provisions.


Long-term care insurance including aid allowances without children: Entitlement to aid dependent on civil-service statutory provisions.


 Pension insurance fund

Contribution to the pension insurance fund

18.6 %

Standard contribution rate for part-time employees

15.0 %

Employment promotion

Contribution for job creation measures (unemployment insurance)

2.6 %